What’s SO Great about Replate’s Impact Metrics?
Photo: A look at the aggregate impact we made with our catering partner, Fooda.
At Replate, no good deed goes unnoticed, especially if you’re going out of your way to make a difference.
When a business donates surplus food through our organization, we strive to celebrate and recognize the impact it made on the environment and community.
How do we do that exactly? With data…and some pretty cool visuals!
For clients opting to receive impact metrics, Replate tracks the total pounds of food they’ve donated with each contribution, and translates those pounds into meaningful insights on the environmental and social good they’ve achieved.
That includes water saved, carbon dioxide diverted from the air, and number of meals created to serve people facing food insecurity. We calculate those figures using analytical resources developed by CalRecycle, the USDA, and UNESCO.
You’d be surprised at how much it adds up!
100 pounds of food equates to 27,300 gallons of water, 205 pounds of carbon dioxide, and 84 meals created.
For some extra food from an event, that makes a big difference!
Clients receive these metrics on their Replate dashboards, and often use them to support ESG and CSR initiatives, achieve sustainability goals, and build rapport among employees and external stakeholders.
We’ve already talked about how there’s no reason not to donate food...this kind of impact proves there’s all the more reason to do so!
Learn more on our website!
And reach out to partnerships@replate.org to sign up for an account, and join the cause.