Community Changer: Our Trans Home

Being proud means living honestly, impactfully, and freely…the starting point of which is acceptance. 

Our Trans Home works to break down existing walls of hostility and discord, turning injustice into independence. The nonprofit, established through St. James Infirmary in San Francisco, provides safe housing options to Transgender, Gender Variant, and Intersex (TGI) people, offering consistency and stability when not much else is guaranteed. 

According to the organization’s website, 70% of the trans population in shelters is harassed, yet there are few alternatives. Our Trans Homes fills this gap, creating a scalable and holistic model to support vulnerable people across the country.

“What inspires me the most about our guests is that no matter how much hate, criticism, discrimination, or ugliness the world throws at them, they continue to be themselves, seek love and keep smiling, which is a superpower,” Chinita Harvey, Food Program Coordinator at Our Trans Home, tells Replate. “I admire that they have the courage to be themselves no matter what anyone thinks.”        

It’s all the more challenging considering the circumstances. 

Currently, trans people face discrimination beyond the 2021 Bathroom bill, which aimed to exclude them from restrooms based on their gender assigned at birth. There are over 520 pieces of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation being proposed nationwide, including Florida expanding its “Don’t Say Gay'' policy. Several states are pushing to ban gender-reassignment medical procedures for kids, and regulate public drag shows. 

Similarly, brands are being antagonized for showing their support for Pride Month. Target and Bud Light have both cut back on themed marketing and merchandising based on backlash. 

For an organization like Our Trans Home, security is a top priority, yet so is health. Replate offers a helping hand by providing nutritious meals, donated by our partners around the city.

“The donations from Replate bring a feeling to our guests that they are home, that they are more than just a homeless, underserved individual,” says Harvey. “Guests sit down and eat and talk with one another over good food. Some guests experience what life was like before, or a memory of a loved one.”

Food uplifts in more ways than one. Many in this community suffer from severe health concerns, and lack insurance.  Eating the right nutrients can make a huge difference.

Harvey adds, “Food nourishes the soul and fills the belly. It is essential to life and a way to connect and show love to people…It brings our community together.”  

For more ways to support Pride Month and the LGBTQIA+ community, explore the resources below:

National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE): NCTE is a leading advocacy organization that works to advance the rights and equality of transgender people. 

Trans Lifeline: Trans Lifeline is a crisis hotline staffed by transgender individuals for transgender individuals. 

GLAAD: GLAAD is an LGBTQ+ media advocacy organization that provides resources, media guides, and educational materials to promote understanding and acceptance of queer individuals. 

The Trevor Project: The Trevor Project is a leading organization focused on suicide prevention and crisis intervention for LGBTQ+ youth. 

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF): TLDEF offers legal assistance, education, and advocacy for transgender individuals facing discrimination or legal challenges related to their gender identity. 

Gender inclusive language: An educational guide to better practices 

To learn more about Our Trans Home, visit their website.

Find out everything on Replate here.
